FVND Home Page


Welcome to the Family Voices of North Dakota University!

We have created a place for you to go, so you can take one of the FVND workshops online.

We have developed this online educational area to promote family / professional partnerships for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN).

Here you will find courses to help you learn more about:

  • Partnership Development
  • Cultural Competence
  • Family Leadership
  • ND Parent to Parent
  • FVND Workshops
  • much much more

Click on Course Catalog in the left Navigation bar to see our current offerings. All courses are FREE.

To take a course:

              1. Select the course from the Course Catalog.
              2. Click on the Order Now button.
              3. You can ignore the Discount and Activate Code fields (our courses are free).
              4. You will be asked to login with a username and password.

Your course will begin immediately and you can page through the course at your own pace. If the course is idle for 2 hours, you will timeout. You can take a course as many times as you like. Please complete the simple evaluation form at the end of the course and be sure to tell your friends and colleagues about Family Voices of North Dakota University. Family Voices of North Dakota, Inc. supports a statewide grassroots network of families and friends who advocate for health care services for children with special health care needs.

Visit www.fvnd.org for more information or call 888-522-9654